Steam Wars – Finished Vehicles. 

Coronasan commented on his blog recently that the Steam Wars Navy has yet to claim its nationality…

Consider that claim made.  We are Children of the Stars and Stripes (mainly because I found some 1/72 and 1/48 American naval flyer decals recently).

As the tanks were finished and weathered recently, I had to get the decals out and slapped them on just before I varnished them and called them done…

I first liked the decals for the large NAVY lettering on the sheets along with a vast selection of small warning labels and markings. But the Stars and Bars also go well on the grey base colour.

Hull numbers are always good to apply as they make me think that this is a section of a larger national force.

The Brass Coffin has again been a problem as it has no real flat surfaces to apply larger decals to.

But plenty of space for smaller warning labels…

White infantry uniforms and Stars and Bars, why I hadn’t seen it before I don’t know.  It also opens me up for adding in some Navy flyers at some time as well.

Simple paint jobs always benefit from some detailing (something I cannot do with a paintbrush).

Even my Artillery tow got a couple (mainly to avoid friendly fire when I do get some flyers).

Something about red triangles always attracts me…

All in all they are a fine set.  Although how I am going to get them into a KR carry case without busting off the MGs, I don’t know… Especially worrying are those long fragile legs…

It didn’t really need it but the Steam launch got a couple too.

(Then I realised I had stuck them where the hover engines are meant to go…)

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