Nice And Tidy – Storage Solutions

As it remains hot and painting is not easy, and as I remain off work for a few more days, I have decided to keep myself busy (and sane) by trying to tidy the shed up a bit.  Hopefully that will make it more usable when I can finally get back in there.

I have also had too much time on my hands to think.  Never a good thing.  It has led to me becoming paranoid that the shed is probably not the safest place for the last 15 years of toil to be kept.  The issue of insurance and protecting a collection, like we probably all amass, has started to play on my mind.  Therefore I have decided to move the more valuable items back into the house for ‘safe keeping’.

My daughter has recently left home and the spare room has been cleared of excess junk.  This has now afforded me the space to put up a cabinet for all my miniature boxes to be stored more safely and, more importantly to the lady of the house, out of sight…

The unit is a cheap Ikea modular wardrobe frame that has been fitted out with simple shelves and a pair of doors. Total spend £115.  What makes it better, is that it came as a clip together kit.  I only needed a screwdriver for the door hinges…  Far less swearing than usual was heard during its construction…

Fragile, large or just plainly odd shaped items will be up top with cases of regular miniatures below.

So far that is all the boxes in from the shed. Neatly and safely now stored indoors.  Not sure how to break it to the good lady that there are another twenty boxes in other cupboards around the house that are likely to remain where they are…

Now, all that remains in the shed are twenty or so boxes of scenery…  Oh, and all the unpainted stuff…

Out of sight, out of (the good lady’s) mind.  What she doesn’t notice she doesn’t worry about.

The trade off.  I had to put up a set of coat hooks for her to use in the small dead space between units…  A small price to pay for piece of mind!

Avoiding Doing Anything – Workspace

With all the new Imperial Knights base coated I have no excuse but to start to paint the details on them. This should be a simple job, as none are due for a complex paint scheme.  That said, I still don’t feel up to sitting and painting, so I am avoiding it by making excuses and finding other things to do that allow me to avoid painting.  The latest excuse comes from a recent comment by Faust of Double Down Dice. Who got me thinking about how we each set out our workspaces.  I know what works for me, but I wonder if I am ‘the norm’ or if others have come up with other, better, ideas.

One corner of the shed is my official painting station. In regard to position, it is where the power enters the shed and next to a window, so it stands to reason that it would be the best place to work.  An old writing bureau is the base of my operation.  A nice flat workspace and lots of cubby holes of various sizes help to keep me organised.  Never tidy but always usable.

I may be alone in this, but I do not have a screen or computer near my workspace.  This is something I see on many other workplace photos and I know from Faust’s comment that his setup has one of these. I may be old fashioned but I can only look at one thing at a time so would get very distracted (and get even less done) if I put mine out there.  I do have a smart speaker in the shed and can often be heard chatting to Alexa while I work. She has introduced me to a wide range of music outside of my ageing CD collection…

A second bureau stands almost hidden to the rear of the shed and is supposed to be a display space as well as a potential second work point. Currently it is neither as I seem to have slightly more stuff in the shed than it can actually hold…

The Renovations Continue With The Building Of Yet Another New Game Table (Score So Far +8)

The Shed is not a small space.

I do find that I can fill it very easily.

When I started using it for my gaming den I had a set of boards and trestles that could be put away between games and the space used for other, more mundane, things.

After a while I noticed that more gaming than anything else was being done in the shed.  A small table was then setup that could be used to support a 4 feet by 4 feet  (or 6’x4′ at a push) tabletop.

When I realised that the 6 feet by 4 feet table was setup on more days than not I decided that a permanent table would be a better idea as then the space below the table could be used for storage.

Hence the current renovations in the shed.

Still lots to do as I still have to find homes for the larger and more fragile items in the shed.

Sorting out what should be reboxed and stored together is the next job.  That way I can ensure that when I am looking for it, I am not searching in 7 different places at once.

Overall its unlikely that I have increased the actual storage capacity in the shed but it may be more organised from this point on…

Off Plan

Score for post -1 point/ Total score +8


Renovating And Getting Well And Truly Distracted From The Plan (Score So Far +9)

So much for getting refocused on ‘The Plan’.

First thing I have done after rewriting the plan was to pop to a DIY store (at the request of she who must be obeyed) to get a new bath side (oh how I hate DIY) and ended up starting a bit of a renovation project in the shed.

I blame a short period of sunshine that showed me I should get tidied up and that led to renewing the whole area of my game table.

Storage has always been an issue in the shed and I obviously have too much ‘stuff’.

Ikea has come to the rescue with a set of storage that fits my existing boxes almost perfectly.  It will also act as a base for a new gaming table (I am a traditionalist so I has to be 6 feet by 4 feet).

Still lots to do, and with me moving piles from one side to the other as I work (I have never managed to work that smart), it has taken longer than ever I planned it would.

But its getting there, slowly (and I haven’t broken anything, or cut myself as yet).

Off Plan

Score for post -1 point/ Total score +9

Painting, Painting And More Painting. 

I am on holiday at present and have spent the last 2 days (while the weather was good) painting.   Lots and lots of painting has been done.  So much so that I cannot move my right arm without the fingers cramping up…

Sadly the painting I have been doing is all one colour and over larger surfaces than I am used to or happy with.

My small shed and all the fences (all 90 feet of it) have been done so far. Then just as my sunburn was developing nicely, we received a visit from the rain. The rain has not stopped since.  That has afforded me a brief respite, but as soon as it dries up, a third day of painting outside will commence.

I may get a small break from painting when I try to dig the post for our old rotary drier out of the ground. That will be nice..! (If I can move after that, I will be impressed)

The garden will look cleaner and the Steinberg Shed Space will last longer as a result, but I may not be fit for much myself.

Holidays, such fun…

Finishing Touches And New Projects

After tidying my workspace, it has become obvious that the unfinished jobs in the shed, things that I have either planned or only started, FAR outweigh the finished projects…

I guess that that is the nature of wargaming as a hobby.  I often hear of the mountains of unpainted lead that people own, and aspire to paint, compared to their small hills of finished armies.

While I was moving things about I started a list of the items I found that were still in need of being finished.  Some were quick jobs (supposedly quick, but that I had still not done them, proves I had never found the time).  Things like the simple drybrushing of a couple of stone buildings to get them ready for the table.  Things like a small boat that just needs a basic brown paint job and wash…

Other jobs were things I had done most of and never quite got round to finishing.  Things like basing these knights properly.  I even used them in a couple of games with unfinished bases, the shame of it…

Some things were easily sorted…  Finding a home for things not needing anything finishing on them. Like these new fish tank shrines.

In the end I stopped writing the list as after it got to 2 sides of paper without covering everything I found, it began to look like a real mountain of work…  Time for some positivity and quick wins. So, I decided to leave a couple of bits on the paint table and get them done before I tidied them away. Bases for knights – Tick.

New base for the old general – Easy…

Now, what else can I get done before I get side-tracked again?


Small Changes And Big Benefits

One thing I have wanted to do for some weeks now is tidy the shed.  I’ve got to the point where everything has been got out and been used on one of a myriad of projects and now I can’t find a thing…

Anyone who knows me well will know that I have been searching for a cheap/ old writing bureau.  One that folds out when it is in use, and either rolls away or closes to hide the mess I tend to make.

This has been an on-going search with little success.  Until now…

One natty little bureau, open and working, closed and tidy.

I have also been trying to get some display cabinets for the back of the shed. A couple of these turned up over the last few weeks and have been shoehorned into the ever filling, TARDIS like shed. (Please note the mid shelf recess – I am proud to say that I did manage to cut that straight. Well, mostly straight.)

Also, I have always (for no apparent reason) painted at the back of the shed and gamed at the front.  I suppose that this became habit so that I could leave my mess out when gaming.  However, it also meant I was painting in the darkest recesses of the shed.  Obvious to all except me, that may not have been the best place to paint…

A quick shift around with the old and new furniture and all is now more inline with the positive Feng Shui.

Now however, I can paint in daylight and also close up to game in safety.  All this can be done without any fuss and with minimal effort.  Also, while I am off making the tea, my visitors can spend their time looking at some of my better bits and bobs behind my posh new glass doors.

Buildings, buildings, buildings…

Buildings, buildings, buildings...

All that free space in a new shed. It kind of goes to your head. With me it was the first time that I had found space to store my gaming collection all in one place.

Never before had I been able to keep everything to hand and be able to pick and choose what table elements that we wanted from shelves all about us…

Friends will likely remember when my terrain was stored in their homes (in stairways especially) as a fix for me never having enough space to store it at home…

I know many gamers that never have the luxury of space. I had never had this luxury before. In the years before, I had stored gaming boards in an old, leaky shed, a garden storage box or under a spare bed… Setting up for a game could sometimes involve a minimum of 3 trips upstairs and 2 to the garden. All that had to be done before searching for where I had put the figures I would need for a game.

I guess I went to town (excuse the pun) by buying half a city’s worth of buildings. The starting point was a range of town houses by Sarissa Precision. Great looking builds and easy to work with. Quickly followed by buildings from Warbases and 4Ground.

The picture shows the first of these. The others you will see in time, they are a staple for most games played in the shed and cover a wide range of periods.

The shed today…

The shed today...

So that was then. This is now. Some fond time had here.

My next posts will be a little retrospective with photos of past projects and will lead me upto the current state of play… I also hope these posts will add some basic keywords to that little search button at the top of the screen.

Guess I have a few things to learn about this new game.

A shed…

imageExpect teething problems and random text as these are the first posts on a new venture for me. I am told ‘blogging’ can be fun and interesting. Let’s hope it is for anyone reading this…

So… It starts with a space of my own. Actually my daughter claims it’s a shared space but if I fill it full enough of my stuff she won’t be able to fit into it. So, here goes.

Built in 2012, after I was told gaming in the new conservatory was not working for my family, the ‘game shed’ is officially a summerhouse that I use all year through. Sometimes by choice, sometimes when I am sent there by the ladies in my life.

These will be my adventures in what I like to call my shed space.

To be continued…