Busy Doing Nothing… Not Really…

Work life often gets in the way of home life.  Know how that feels?

Lately work is casting a slight shadow over play.  But I have managed to get a few things done.  Mostly due to the kindness of the girls in my life who have allowed me to get out to the shed as a place to chill for an hour or so when things get hectic.  Thanks to them I have things to show you. Sadly work demands are stopping me from getting these things on the blog as regularly as I would like.

Anyway things to show…


A friend (as is often the case) turned my head to these little beauties.  He placed a copy of a rulebook and a team in my possession and left these seed to grow.  4 months later we played a game and 4 days later these were painted.

Dreadball is Mantic’s futuristic sports game and reminds me of Bloodbowl to some degree.  It is however much more playable and fast moving meaning even we got a game in, in an after dinner hour or so.


I can see us playing this more in the next months as a small pick up game for those days when a larger game would take too long.

Will be painting up a human team in the next weeks for another friend to get involved.


I now just need to get a copy of the rules for myself and a board to play on.  Oh, and maybe a ball or two!

The Steinberg Stingers

imageI was asked today by a friend to remind him again why I use the name Steinberg as an online identity. I guess it would be wise to put this in the blog early on, as others may find this explanation helpful too. The story predates the shed. Predates the house even… You may have noted that my gaming history started in my childhood (early teen years really). It has not been continuous though. Lots of other gamers appear to have followed a similar path, where early gaming is full on and takes up most of our time. Then life takes time back! Work and family commitments begin to kill off many things we love. It would seem that some things never truly die. After being away from gaming for about 8 years, a job change and relocation led me to rediscover gaming when I attended a game club in the new area. The club was not entirely to my tastes as the competition gamers there were more hard core than I wanted to be. However, many gamers there were into gaming for the love of playing, and I found firm friends in that environment. The main reason for going in the first place. Enough history… Time to tell you about The Steinberg Stingers.  In those first steps to restart my gaming life I agreed to join a Bloodbowl league. I guess it was an easy way back in. Buy and paint 13 figures and you are in… In hind sight a 14th player may have been a useful addition as their first league results show how 13 is never a lucky number. It could never be the fact I have had a loosing streak that has lasted for the past 12 years. So the team only lasted for another season but the name Steinberg has lasted much much longer. Therefore, if you find a forum user by that name, with very few posts to his name, it is highly likely that my very short attention span has been there and done that…